What Is Wood Badge and Why Should I Attend?
Wood Badge is an advanced leadership training course available for Scout leaders. Wood Badge training began in 1919 by Baden-Powell, the founder of the World Scout Movement, as a way to insure that the leaders of Scout troops were properly trained.
Reflecting on a century of Scouting, Wood Badge draws upon the most current leadership models used by corporate America, academic circles and successful organizations throughout the country to present the latest in leadership theory and team development to a new generation of Scout leaders.
The purpose of Wood Badge is to help you understand how to run a quality program, and to enable the Scouts that you serve to grow to their greatest potential.
Delivered by a passionate team of trainers you will see how the 5 themes of Wood Badge:
- Living the Values
- Growing
- Connecting
- Guiding, and
- Empowering
can be applied in your role as a Scouter as well as your personal and professional life. You will deepen your appreciation for Scouting’s heritage and develop a vision of the role you will play in its future.
What Should I Expect?
Throughout the Wood Badge course you will appreciate the enthusiastic presenters, learn through games and role playing, have a blast building a hands-on project with your small group, and experience many inspirational moments over the course of two weekends (5 days total).
You will build a strong network within the Scouting program, and be presented with a wide range of leadership topics including:
- Situational Leadership
- Leveraging Diversity
- Communication
- Project Planning
- Leading Change
- Problem Solving
- Managing Conflict
- Coaching & Mentoring
After the first weekend (Friday-Sunday), each attendee writes a set of Scouting-related goals called the ticket. These goals define your vision and outline a plan of action for the next 18 months. As you work on these goals, you will get an immediate return on your investment.
When you complete your ticket, you will receive your training award, a Wood Badge neckerchief, a leather woggle neckerchief slide, and a set of Wood Badge beads. These items identify you as someone that has completed this advanced training. They will also serve to remind you of your ongoing commitment to service and Scouting.
Who Can Attend Wood Badge?
Wood Badge is advanced leadership training course for adult leaders in the Boy Scouts of America program areas – Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, and Venturing – as well as Council and District leaders. This includes assistant leaders and committee members.
All leaders are encouraged to attend Wood Badge, there is no minimum tenure requirements.
You must:
- Be registered as an adult leader of the Boy Scouts of America, and active in a Cub Scout Pack, Scout BSA Troop, Venturing Crew, or in a District or Council position.
- Have completed position-specific training for the position you currently hold.
- Have completed the outdoor skills training programs appropriate to your Scouting position.
- Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment and have a BSA Medical Form valid through the end of the course.
Bring your Scouting spirit and a desire to learn and grow in your knowledge of Scouting and yourself. It will be a great experience!
The Wood Badge training course is a uniformed activity. The uniform you wear will be the official Field Uniform (“Class A”) for your registered position in Scouting. The Field Uniform includes a Scout shirt, Scout pants or shorts, Scout socks and a Scout belt. An activity shirt is typically provided as part of your course fee. Please make sure all patches and insignia are correctly placed on your uniform.
Medical Forms
Although not strenuous, Wood Badge is a fast paced course with many activities and held in a camp setting. All participants must provide a current BSA Annual Health and Medical Record with Parts A, B, and C (Annual Physical) completed.
For more information to find a course near you contact:
Ed Schrecengost
Bucktail Council Training Chairman