What is advancement, and what role does it play in Scouting?
Education and fun are functions of the Scouting movement—as is the growth of our youth members—and make up the basis of the advancement program. As the Scout meets certain requirements, he may advance in rank. The Scouting program is designed to help young people have an exciting and meaningful experience. A quality Scouting program strives for the following:
- Every young person achieves personal growth.
- Each individual learns by doing.
- Youth members progress at their own rate.
- All young people receive recognition for their individual accomplishments.
- Youth participants are encouraged to embrace Scouting ideals
Learn more about advancement by reviewing the Guide to Advancement.
Does your unit want an 80% advancement rate and a 20% higher retention rate – check out the new Cub Scout program!
Merit Badge Counselors
Want to be a Merit Badge Counselor? Fill out the Merit Badge Counselor Information Sheet (fillable .pdf) and send it in to the Council Service Center. Be sure to include your PA Clearances and your Youth Protection Training Certificate (if you are not a current volunteer leader).
Are you a Scoutmaster and want to provide Merit Badge Counselor list for your Scouts to use, please log onto to ScoutBook or email the request or a list.
Internet Advancements now done from ScoutBook
Internet Advancement has been phased out but you can still do advancements electronically for FREE! It is for reporting Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, and Sea Scout ranks; Venturing awards; and activity badges, belt loops, and merit badges. Simple and intuitive, it works best from a faster Internet connection using Internet Explorer 6 or higher. Units can enter advancement at any time, print reports, obtain current rosters from the BSA system, and print order sheets for the Scout shop.
Because the ScoutBook system does not send an email to us when you fill out an advancement form, please email Bucktail Council Trading Post , to let us know so that we can have your order ready for you in a timely fashion.
Go here for more information on ScoutBook.
Eagle Scout Advancement
Go to information pertaining to Eagle Scout process, Eagle Service projects, etc.