Cub Scout Recruiting
If you have not contacted your District Executive to let them know the date, time and location of your sign up night, please contact the Council Service Center. Cub Scout sign ups are encouraged to occur in the month of September. We have flyers, posters and many other items on hand. Let us know how many packets you would like for new Scouts and we will have those ready for you. Packets include a paper application, information on Scouting, information on the Cub Scout Expo and other great informational pieces.
Resources: Sign up Night Playbook; Family Scouting Memorandum of Understanding; Attracting Millenials; Family Scouting Infographic;
Scouts BSA Recruiting
If you have not contacted your District Executive to let them know the date, time and location of your sign up night, please contact the Council Service Center. We have flyers, posters and many other items on hand. Boy Scout Open Houses are encouraged to occur in the months of October and April.
Resources: Family Scouting Infographic; Family Scouting Memorandum of Understanding; Scouts BSA Recruiting Resources
Venturing Recruiting
If you have not contacted your District Executive to let them know the date, time and location of your sign up night, please contact the Council Service Center. We have flyers, posters and many other items on hand. Venturing Firstnighters are encouraged to occur in the months of October.
Resources: Venturing Recruiting Resources
Other Great Resources for All Units
For units that need help updating their pins, they can find a complete set of step-by-step instructions on how to update the BeAScout, click this “Setting Up Your BeAScout Unit Pin” instructional video.
For units wishing to move toward Online Registration, and get away from paper applications: Online Registration Training Tools